The SAMR Model of Technology Integration, is a model that was created and introduced by Dr. Rueben Puentendura . " Technology In Education: a Brief Introduction " is a great video resource for hearing Dr Puentendura explain the concept. I also like this video , by Common Sense Media, which also explains the model. Essentially the model helps teachers to organize their thoughts around technology integration by identifying "levels" at which a teacher may be implementing technology on S ubstitution, A ugmentation, M odification and R edefnition. SAMR Analogies People often compare this model to a cup of coffee . For my part, I believe that as you move from Substitution and Augmentation level activities to Modification and Redefinition level activities you are also often moving from teacher-centered activities to student-centered activities. Because of this shift specifically, it is important to also plan for modeling and teaching students appropriat...