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Showing posts from February, 2015

Makerspace Brainstorming Space #EdCampNKY

Click to view this on Padlet .   Created with Padlet

App Smashing Ideas

App smashing is the act of creating content in one app and then pulling it into a second or third to create something entirely new. When you app smash using web apps, you just download content or shift it from app to app using embedding. It is important to take into consideration age restrictions if you are planning on using web applications with your students. For the iPad you want to find apps that will allow you to save content to your photo roll.  The photo roll is often the tool that you will use to help transfer content from one app to another. Check out some ideas below for app smashing. Web App Smashing Below is an example of a web based app smash.  I used Canva and Thinglink to create the interactive. Hover over the image to see links that will help you use the web tools.  You can also click [ here ] to see it on Thinglink.  iPad App Smashing The interactive below will also give you some idea for how to app smash with an iPad. Click here t...

Redefining Technology Use in your Classroom with SAMR & Bloom's Taxonomy

The SAMR Model of Technology Integration, is a model that was created and introduced by Dr. Rueben Puentendura . " Technology In Education: a Brief Introduction " is a great video resource for hearing Dr Puentendura explain the concept.  I also like this video , by Common Sense Media, which also explains the model. Essentially the model helps teachers to organize their thoughts around technology integration by identifying "levels" at which a teacher may be implementing technology on S ubstitution, A ugmentation, M odification and R edefnition. SAMR Analogies People often compare this model to a cup of coffee .  For my part, I believe that as you move from Substitution and Augmentation level activities to Modification and Redefinition level activities you are also often moving from teacher-centered activities to student-centered activities.  Because of this shift specifically, it is important to also plan for modeling and teaching students appropriat...