Click on underlined text to follow links. If you have trouble, email me and I’ll send you direct links. The power of # I tweet—sort of—mostly I just flitter around on Twitter and see what other people are doing. Admittedly, I am not very good at Twitter, but it’s something that I believe is a good tool, and I have plans this summer to work harder at using it effectively. If you’re on Twitter—or even if you’re not but want to get started—it’s worth it to take a look at some of the incredible ways that you can use it to improve teaching and learning. Trust me, I started sloooowwww and with a # to help guide me in figuring out who to follow and how to use it. A hastag (#) is a way to indicate a specific topic on Twitter. It’s a searchable tag that allows other users to find people talking about their interests. I started with #tlchat (teacher librarian chat), and I can't adequately describe to you how the power of that one little hashtag has c...
The pursuit of life long learning