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Redefining Technology Use in your Classroom with SAMR & Bloom's Taxonomy

The SAMR Model of Technology Integration, is a model that was created and introduced by Dr. Rueben Puentendura. "Technology In Education: a Brief Introduction" is a great video resource for hearing Dr Puentendura explain the concept.  I also like this video, by Common Sense Media, which also explains the model. Essentially the model helps teachers to organize their thoughts around technology integration by identifying "levels" at which a teacher may be implementing technology on Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefnition.

SAMR Analogies

People often compare this model to a cup of coffee.  For my part, I believe that as you move from Substitution and Augmentation level activities to Modification and Redefinition level activities you are also often moving from teacher-centered activities to student-centered activities.  Because of this shift specifically, it is important to also plan for modeling and teaching students appropriate behaviors for working with technology. Digital Citizenship is especially important as students begin to break down the walls of the classroom and share their learning on a more global scale. As a result, I would compare the SAMR model to activities you can do on a river.

SAMR and Bloom's Taxonomy Revised

Along with the SAMR model, many models have been released that combine SAMR and Bloom's Taxonomy.  Kathy Shrock's Guide To Everything, does a great job of imagining the combination of SAMR and Bloom's and acts as an excellent spot for curating resources. I also really like the SAMR/Bloom's Wheel, a copy of which can be found at Educational Technology and Mobile Learning.

I have compiled some thoughts about how SAMR and Bloom's work together  Prezi.

Touch the Thinglink below (or see it here) to get some ideas for Redefining learning with your students and achieving higher levels of Bloom's.

Redefining Student Work with App Smashing

App Smashing is a fun way to encourage students to think outside of the box when it comes to making projects.  You can use apps on a tablet or web based applications.  If using web apps, you will want to make sure that you check the site's age restrictions.

When I choose apps to use with students on the iPads, I always look to see if the app will allow us to save our work to the camera roll.  The ability to have control over where the content is saved and how it is used is really important when trying to choose apps that are flexible enough to smash, and I just prefer to have control over where I share it.

Example iPad Apps for Smashing

Touch the image below to see links to information that will help you use the app and smash.  You can also click [here] to see it on Thinglink.

Example Web Apps for Smashing

Touch the image below for information about how to use each of the web apps.
You can also click [here] to see the image on Thinglink.


In considering the integration of technology into your classroom, I think it's important to understand that as technology evolves, so does our use and so does the capacity that it has to help enhance student learning. We, as educators must make decisions grounded first in the needs our students have and in the skills and standards that will help them through life.  Learning isn't about the technology, but when used correctly, the technology can certainly enhance and maybe even REDEFINE our ability to learn, create and share.


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