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Showing posts from May, 2014

Tuesday Teacher Tips - May 6, 2014 Rewordify, Notability & Understanding Science

Rewordify I just learned about Rewordify this morning from Richard Byrne on Twitter @rmbyrne . In the article “ By Request – Five Apps and Sites to Help Students Develop Reading Comprehension Skills ” on the blog Technology for Teachers for Teachers, Byrne describes Rewordify, a free site developed by a special education teacher and former computer programmer.   The site allows you to copy and paste or type a complicated passage into a box, then it rephrases it.   Words that are replaced are highlighted in yellow.   This could be a great resource for students who need rephrasing, or for students who are struggling with a difficult section of text.     Check out the video: Notability Notability is a great app that was just listed as the iTunes app of the week.  One of the great features of the Notability app, besides the ability to create and manage your own notes, is that you can use the Notability app to annot...

Using Notability to Weed the Library

This is my second year in my current elementary school library, and it is way past time to do a heavy weeding and reshape the fiction section. I always struggle with the best report in Destiny to use, or making weeding decisions, as I can't seem to build a report that really gives me the information I want - a Library Statistics report doesn't include a barcode number nor can I figure out how to only show the circulations statistics for the last five years, and a Library copies report will only allow me to check the date it was last accounted - no circulation statistics, and for some copies that would've been the last inventory (this could be user error, I admit). As I was debating what to use, someone on our state's school library listserv posted that they use a Shelf List report #PalmToForehead, so that's what I created for the fiction section to start. As I was organizing my pens, highlighters and clipboard, and getting ready to press print on my 60 page repo...