Rewordify I just learned about Rewordify this morning from Richard Byrne on Twitter @rmbyrne . In the article “ By Request – Five Apps and Sites to Help Students Develop Reading Comprehension Skills ” on the blog Technology for Teachers for Teachers, Byrne describes Rewordify, a free site developed by a special education teacher and former computer programmer. The site allows you to copy and paste or type a complicated passage into a box, then it rephrases it. Words that are replaced are highlighted in yellow. This could be a great resource for students who need rephrasing, or for students who are struggling with a difficult section of text. Check out the video: Notability Notability is a great app that was just listed as the iTunes app of the week. One of the great features of the Notability app, besides the ability to create and manage your own notes, is that you can use the Notability app to annot...
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